[학익2동행정복지센터 주민자치회] 어르신 스마트폰 키오스크 활용교육 7회 – 키오스크 어플 활용하기, 무료음악 다운로드 감상하기 등, 키오스크강사

Hello. Today, I’m greeting you as a kiosk instructor. From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., the residents’ council of the Hakik 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center trained the elderly to use the kiosk 7 times – using the kiosk application, and downloading free music.I’ll make it easier to understand while watching the video, including the concept of kiosk and various examples. I summarized it again. I got a message that the device does not support the Seocho-gu kiosk application, so I decided to practice the FNJ kiosk application right away. I practiced almost twice, ordering tea from the FNJ kiosk app cafe menu, ordering hamburgers from the restaurant menu, ordering food from the restaurant menu, receiving and receiving from the hospital menu, and booking movies at the theater.Download free music, listen to it, etcUsing the kiosk applicationHakik 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center 444, Hannaru-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon Metropolitan CityYou requested to download free music. You can download it by typing in the name of your favorite singer and the title of the song. I watched it on the Samsung Music app, which doesn’t even appear in advertisements. I reviewed the above process once again. The rest of your studiesWe arrived at Hakik 2-dong Administrative Welfare Center at 9:25 a.m. 7 training sessions on the use of kiosks on smartphones for the elderly – using the kiosk application, downloading free music, etc

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